This year:
- I rang in the New Year with fireworks in front of Universal Studios, about six minutes' walk away from my apartment in Los Angeles.
- I got to go on a cruise to Alaska with my family and for the first time ever, see glaciers, visit Alaska and Vancouver, British Columbia.
- I went to Coachella, a lifelong goal of mine.
- I successfully finished my year of service to my country as an Americorps VISTA.
- I made many wonderful friends in Los Angeles, California.
- I got a job and moved to South Korea.
- I met amazing people and put effort into maintaining and strengthening old relationships.
- I got a new baby nephew and got to see the other nephew and niece I have keep on keepin' on with the being adorable all the time.
- I turned 23, and officially ended the suckiest and most trying year of my life. I began this new year ready to reap all the rewards.
- I developed inner strength, a sense of style, and increased my self-confidence.
- I have continued to expand my skills set by designing a website and creating several works of art now displayed in my apartment.
- I got to re-connect with my theatrical side by "directing" my students' play Three Little Pigs (although it was more like herding cats).
- I fell in love, lived life without regrets, reconnected with myself, and worked on making myself a better person.
- I spent my first Thanksgiving and Christmas on my own, but definitely not alone.
- I survived the end of the world.
- I traveled to Vietnam by myself, as my first real trip on my own, and am starting the New Year as a new person, committed to having many, many more adventures.
Looking forward into this New Year, I foresee many wonderful adventures ahead. I hereby commit myself to more: exploring, putting myself out of my comfort zone, learning, reading, writing, loving, developing good habits (and, okay, a killer wardrobe), going along for the ride, listening to the silence, being intentional, keeping up with this blog and with friends and family back home, repairing old relationships and developing new ones, and enjoying the little things.
I don't think we are ever done growing until we decide to stagnate, so I want to commit myself to stretching this year of possibilities, my 23rd year of life, to reap the most rewards I can from it. Already, the last five months have been radical. Let's keep going with that forward momentum!