Sunday, October 20, 2013

Delicious Food in Samsan-dong, Gulpocheon Station (Line 7): Jeon's Burger

Even though I've been in Korea for more than a year at this point, I find myself referring to some very "American" habits. Back home, I was a huge fan of FourSquare and would use it to find new eateries, run potential choices through for reviews and to check out the menus. Even now, if I'm out on the town, I find myself googling "delicious foreign food" + the station I happen to be at. Spoiler alert: the results are NEVER good. Although you can walk around for five minutes anywhere in Incheon or Seoul and find at least six fried chicken joints, when you're out of your normal hood, it's important to choose something special. So, for all my like-minded googlers, I thought I would add some information about my neighborhood for any wanderers looking for delicious food.

Jeon's Burger

Don't be fooled by the name. They have a burger, but it's small and only okay. They serve Hamburg steaks (hamburgers without the patties), that come served with tempura shrimp, a twice-baked spinach potato and some mixed veggies. Additionally, they have AWESOME carbonara, a really great oven-baked spaghetti, and a chicken burger that is all right. Prices range from 5,000 won (for the crappy burger) to 8,000 for the pasta dishes. Although I normal refuse to eat pasta when I'm out because of the ease of making it at home, these dishes are well worth the money.

Take Line 7 to Gulpocheon station. Use the Lotte mart exit (#6 or 7, I believe). Go up the escalators to the street level. Continue walking straight off the escalator and make a left around the building. Walk straight. Lotte Mart is on your left, a parking lot is on your right. Turn right down the street on the far end of the parking lot. On your left should be a series of restaurants and on your right should be the parking lot. Jeon's burger will be the second or third restaurant on your left. The sign is in English. Opens at 11 and closes around 9.

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