Friday, March 9, 2012

Vintage dress/thrift love

During my time in Tucson, I was able to go manifest my shopping dreams at Buffalo Exchange! Little known fact: the first Buffalo Exchange popped up in Tucson some long time ago and now they are everywhere. But of course, all the good finds are centralized to this spot, right by the university.

Some hard-core thrifters say that shopping at Buffalo is cheating, not real thrifting. But I am not such a snob. I have a very dear place in my heart for Buffalo, cultivated through years of shopping there, and years before that where I went along with my older brother and sister when they shopped there and I dearly wished I was big enough to wear the clothes they sold. I love their token donations to good causes for customers who don't use bags, I love how they pick out the true vintage donations and host them on a separate rack, I love how everything is usually priced reasonably (except blue tags, the blasted donations from stores that are generally super hip and uber cute, but waaaay out of my price range).

So of course I'm going to visit it when I go back to T-town to play. I got three, count 'em THREE, vintage dresses for less than $45 and these pieces rock! They make me want 60 more dresses just like them. I only have pics with two of them, but enjoy!

I was somewhat conflicted about this dress until J-bunny gave me the greenlight. I'm not crazy about the length, as it's just waaay to short for work, but it's a nice, lazy can't-bring-myself-to-wear-pants-today kind of dress. 

I definitely love the two-tone colors and the sleeves. I would love to pair it with something appropriate and stylish, but can't really figure out what. Big hair? Neon leggings? Really jacked platform pumps? 

I'm guessing this dress comes from the 80s, but can't be sure. I thought I'd google the tag, but I can't seem to find one! If you have any suggestions for how to further style this dress, let me know! 

This dress is wool, so it's actually pretty warm! I had to remove the sleeves because they were NOT flattering whatsoever, but doing so gave the dress a super cute bateau neckline and made it really "Jackie O."

I love this plaid as well. There's something summery about it, even though its a cold-weather dress. The leftover fabric from the reject sleeves will make really cute cuffs for one of my plainer sweaters or long-sleeved shirts.

I got tons of compliments wearing it, but I think it needs different shoes. Maybe next time I will try it with heels, a bouffant hairstyle and REALLY make that puppy scream 50s.

The third dress I got is probably my favorite of the bunch and I've been wearing it practically non-stop, which is why it's so ironic that I don't have a picture of it yet. But I promise, pictures will be forthcoming shortly!!

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