Friday, May 10, 2013

Cinco de Mayo

How did I celebrate my Cinco de Mayo, a holiday as close to my heart as Mexican food is to my food cravings? By making my first truly-from-scratch Mexican meal. Can you believe it?

Green Chile Pork
Homemade Tortillas
Halfway Homemade Salsa

You would think that finding these things in Korea would be relatively difficult, but thanks to my family back home for their meal-saving shipment of green chile and jalapenos, it was almost a breeze!

To make Green Chile Pork:

  • Eight cans of roasted green chiles
  • One can of jalapenos
  • Four red/orange bell peppers (because Lotte Mart didn't have green peppers)
  • Two small onions
  • A guesstimated teaspoon of garlic
  • Two cups of water
  • Flour/milk mixture for thickening later
Of course, grocery shopping always requires a little finesse, as you have to buy the meat and such and just guess at what is probably the meat cut of choice. Lucky for me, I guessed correct--ding ding ding!--and got two pork roasts for a cool $15 (which is crazy cheap out here, mmkay). Once I browned the meat, I threw everything in the largest pot I had and let it go for about three hours. At the very end, I threw in the flour/milk mixture and it thickened right up. I couldn't believe how easy it was to make and how delicious it was in the end! I put half of it in a freezer bag for defrosting later (erm, next week). I really impressed myself with this one, you guys. For the tortillas, I literally just put flour and water and a little butter together a few seconds in a pan and bada-bing, bada-boom--tortillas!


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