Wednesday, September 5, 2012

More Korea Stress

Surprise surprise, more Korea stress! I had no idea when I embarked upon this process that there would be so much last minute stress.

Whats the deal:
Two weeks ago, I received my Visa Confirmation Number via email. This is the number applicants receive after their schools submit their paperwork in Korea and that allows them to apply for a visa at the Korean Consulate in the U.S. After I received the number, I attempted to apply for my visa in Phoenix because this website says there is an "honorary consulate" in Scottsdale (turned out to be just a bunch of condos). This fiasco delayed sending out my visa by a day, but nonetheless, I overnighted my visa last Thursday and it was received by the consulate in Los Angeles on Friday, August 31. Well, due to an unfortunate series of circumstances (the fact that it had to be mailed in, Labor Day, and that I'm currently in BFE Wyoming), the consulate won't be sending out my passport until tomorrow morning. This means it won't arrive in Rock Springs until Friday--literally, the DAY BEFORE I leave for Korea. How is that for stressful??

Not to mention I haven't yet bought my years' supply of deodorant or toothpaste and living off my Korea clothes made me realize I have next to nothing that isn't work clothes! It's going to be a cooooold winter in Korea.


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